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Rabu, 29 Mei 2013
Comparatives of Adjectives
Misty Blue is a stronger horse on the flat.
("stronger": comparative of strong)
The band must be made from a more precious metal than silver.
("more precious": comparative of precious)
Peter is far clumsier.
("clumsier": comparative of clumsy)
Try this question. It is less difficult.
("Less difficult" is a comparative of difficult. However, it is common practice to
choose a word with the opposite meaning rather than use the 'less' form.
(e.g., less difficult = easier / less strong = weaker)
The pansies here seem less dainty than the ones at home.
("less dainty": comparative of dainty)
Superlatives of Adjectives
Geoff is now officially the strongest man in the world.
("strongest": superlative of strong)
The bill is extortionate, and this is the noisiest place I have ever stayed.
("noisiest": superlative of noisy)
It is the least attractive offer, but we are obliged to take it.
("least attractive": superlative of attractive)
He ranks as one of the most silly people on the planet.
("silliest": superlative of silly)
Last week, I stated that this woman was the ugliest woman I had ever seen. I have since been visited by her sister and now wish to withdraw that statement.(Mark Twain)
("ugliest": superlative of ugly)
Forming Comparatives and Superlatives from Adjectives:
Type of Adjective | Example of Type | Comparative | Superlative |
One Syllable | strong | add "er" stronger | add "est" strongest |
One Syllable Ending Vowel Consonant | big thin | double consonant and add "er" bigger thinner | double consonant and add "est" biggest thinnest |
More Than One Syllable | famous | add "less" or "more" more famous | add "most" or "least" least famous |
More Than One Syllable Ending "y" | silly | remove "y" add "ier" sillier for less less silly | remove "y" add "iest" silliest for least least silly |
Irregular | bad good many | no rules worse etter more | no rules worst best most |
Certainty adalah suatu keadaan, dimana kita benar-benar percaya atau tidak meragukan sama sekali tentang sesuatu. Sedangkan, Uncertainty adalah kebalikannya.
Expressing certainty
Ketika kita yakin bahwa sesuatu akan terjadi atau tidak akan terjadi, kita bisa menggunakan ungkapan - ungkapan sebagai berikut:
Contohnya untuk pertanyaan sebagai berikut:
"Will John pass the exam?"
Anda bisa menjawabnya:
absolutely sure
quite sure certain positive |
he will.
certainly. of course. |
absolutely sure
quite sure certain positive |
he won't.
definitely not.
certainly not. of course not. |
Expressing uncertainty
Ketika anda tidak yakin apakah sesuatu akan terjadi atau tidak, anda bisa menggunakaan ungkapan sebagai berikut:
Contoh pertanyaan:
"Will John follow a career in business?"
Anda bisa menjawabnya
it's possible,
it's impossible, it might be, it might not be, it could happen, |
I suppose,
I wouldn't like to say for certain.
I'm not sure I doubt it. I have my own doubts. it's doubtful. It's highly / very unlikely. |
you never know of course,
no one can know for certain. I can't tell you for sure. |
Sekian dari saya, mohon pembetulan apabila ada yang salah..
Source : www.myenglishpages.com
Senin, 27 Mei 2013
- Do homeworkenglish grade
- Study nath chapter 7 for final exams
- Type prakerin report for grade final test
- Completing remedial
- Teach MTS AL- MAGHFIRAH for practice leadership
- Completing tahfidz
- Install operating system debian 6.0 for TSMRLAN
- Create video for entrepreneurship lesson
Become staff at seminar
This method will require you to modify the registry, and if that puts a knot in your stomach,
you should move on to the next section.
you should move on to the next section.
Step 1: Open the Windows Start menu and enter regedit into the search bar.
Step 2: Right click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and select Find.
Step 3: Search for OEMBackground, which should be in ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionAuthentication
If the key does not exist, add a new DWORD value with the name OEMBackground.
If the key does not exist, add a new DWORD value with the name OEMBackground.
Step 4: Double click on the entry OEMBackground, and change the value from 0 to 1.
Step 5: Open Windows Explorer and go to the following path: %windir%system32oobe.
Step 6: Create a new folder named info, and open it.
Step 7: Create a new folder within info named backgrounds.
Step 8: Rename your desired wallpaper as backgroundDefault.jpg and place it inside the folder
backgrounds (images must be less than 245KB in size).
backgrounds (images must be less than 245KB in size).
That should do the trick, now just lock your PC, log off or reboot and enjoy.
Third-party software
If you are uncomfortable with manually tinkering with the registry -- or simply have better things
to be doing with your time -- we understand. Various third-party applications can change
Windows 7's default logon wallpaper, but our personal favorite is Tweak.com's Logon Changer.
to be doing with your time -- we understand. Various third-party applications can change
Windows 7's default logon wallpaper, but our personal favorite is Tweak.com's Logon Changer.
The software is ridiculously easy to use, doesn't require installation, and it even has built-in tools
to automatically resize and recompress your images while leaving the original file untouched.
The Logon Changer also lets you quickly change your logon wallpaper back to the Windows 7 default.
to automatically resize and recompress your images while leaving the original file untouched.
The Logon Changer also lets you quickly change your logon wallpaper back to the Windows 7 default.
Start by downloading the app here, and then unzip the executable. Run the program and it should
present you with a preview of your logon screen along with a few self-explanatory options:
"Change Logon Screen" lets you browse to a new image, "Test" will bring up your logon screen,
"Revert to Default Logon Screen" reapplies Windows 7's original wallpaper.
present you with a preview of your logon screen along with a few self-explanatory options:
"Change Logon Screen" lets you browse to a new image, "Test" will bring up your logon screen,
"Revert to Default Logon Screen" reapplies Windows 7's original wallpaper.